Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

more fun with mamiya

shot on fuji neopan 400

fun with mamiya

fujichrome provia 100f slide film baybayyy

Saturday, April 3, 2010

frida gonzalez

these are my photographic remakes of three frida kahlo paintings. i love linda.

"self portrait with cropped hair" 1940

"self portrait with thorn necklace and hummingbird" 1940
(but i didnt include a hummingbird ssh)

"girl with death mask" 1938


random new photographs. shot on tmax 100.


some collage work i did. photographed with 35mm ortho-litho film. enjoy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

promo card

book cover

this is a wrap-around book jacket i designed for Jorge Luis Borges' collection of short stories called Labyrinths. It was the assignment to reassign myself as the author and use my own images. for digital workshop....fun project, boring classssss

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


mamiyac220. blizzards are awesome. color film yaaay.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

immaculate misconception

so the whole concept to this is a nun is having a miscarriage. i used a bathroom for the environment. i wanted a more gritty bathroom but i had barely any time to shoot so i used the model's. i made the head piece out of a tshirt and a pillow case.
model: amber

Sunday, January 31, 2010

shitty project

i really like the second one. its awesommmmmmme.
model: megan

Monday, January 25, 2010


these are from a series i started on the seven deadly sins (pride and lust). unfortunately i couldn't finish it, but when it gets nicer out i think i'm going to try again.

some random new stuff.....COLOR!